Hey there! Welcome to Platform Weekly, your weekly sip of platform engineering juice. This week we’re jumping into one of my favorite topics around - Score🥐🧃

Score officially accepted as a CNCF sandbox project!?

After almost 2 years of work, the open-source workload specification Score has been accepted as a CNCF sandbox project! I couldn’t be more proud.

If you’re new to the community, I was a HUGE fan of Score when it launched at the end of 2022, and this community helped blast it off to over 5,000 stars in no time. Back then the promises were pretty exciting, but it was just starting its journey. Well… it’s just kept growing from there.

Designed to simplify development for developers in the cloud-native era, the specification lets you simply describe your workload's configuration in a platform-neutral way, removing the need for tooling-specific syntax from platforms such as Docker Compose or Kubernetes. 

So when you need to define a workload configuration, it becomes as easy as “I want a database of type X and an event queue of type Y to accompany my workload”.

No fiddling around in unstructured YAML. No extra bs.

This kind of abstraction is exactly what platform engineering is all about.

And the community agrees. Since that first launch almost 2 years ago, Score has just kept getting bigger. They’ve just rolled out two new reference implementations for Docker Compose and Kubernetes. And I’ve heard there is so much more in the pipeline.

I can’t wait to see where we go from here. This is just the beginning.

P.S. Haven’t saved your spot in the community's platform engineering fundamentals course? We’ve got some awesome stuff in store

Quick bites

Article of the week:

From the community:

Why Backstage is not your platform - this is a must-see webinar!