Hey there! This is Platform Weekly, your weekly sip of platform engineering champagne🥂
Say Bonjour at KubeCon Paris🥐

Have you ever wondered why Platform Weekly branding is so croissant based? I get asked all the time… it’s simple - I was in France when I started it🥐
Now, I’m going back to France again on another platform engineering mission for KubeCon Paris. I promise our booth and content is going to be as creative as always, though I’ll probably receive a few hundred less angry messages this time.
Will you be there? Make sure to come say hello at booth #D35 and let’s talk platform engineering, but most of all, platform orchestrators and Minimum Viable Platforms.
P.S. registered for House of Kube yet? The hottest party in cloud native fills up quick, but we do try and give an advantage to people from the platform engineering community, so register now!
See you in Paris, and as always… stay crunchy🥐
Quick bites

Articles that blew me away:
From the community: