Hey there! Welcome to Platform Weekly. It’s our first newsletter of the year, and while we’re still in those holiday blues. Let’s relax with something simple and fun. You know we love memes here in Platform Weekly. These are some of my favourites (and most successful) from the last year.
P.S. Haven’t registered for the Platform Engineering Fundamentals course starting on January 16th? It’s filling up!
Top 5 memes from 2024

These are 5 of my favorite memes I shared on social media, or in Platform Weekly through 2024. Which do you like best?
Reply to this newsletter with a platform engineering meme, the funniest meme will win a spot in the upcoming Fundamentals course!
It's official: VMware doesn't care about you

PlatformCon is going LIVE in London💂

Platform Engineer courses & Kelsey Hightower Q&A!?