Hey there! This is Platform Weekly, your magnifying glass to all things platform engineering. Let’s take a look🔎
Platform Engineering takes over KubeCon

KubeCon Chicago just finished, and it was awesome. I’ve been going to KubeCon for years but this time was very different. This time it might as well have been PlatformCon live.
If you walked around Chicago this year, or sat in on calls or even just talked to people in the queue for the bathroom at House of Kube, it was clear that platform engineering has taken over a big part of the industry mindshare. I had so many amazing conversations with so many engineering organizations, and professionals of all sizes about their Internal Developer Platform and plans. This is huge.
I was at KubeCon Valencia less than 2 years ago. I was there shouting to the hills about platform engineering. I’ve been at every KubeCon since, talking to hundreds of people on the convention floors or at House of Kube, and the overwhelming response?
“What is platform engineering”

Even at my favorite KubeCon (you can probably guess which one that was #DevOpsIsDead), the majority of conversations I had were about what platform engineering actually is and how it works.
People came to our booth and asked, “Okay, so who are you?”
This time, it could not have been more different. People not just know what platform engineering is. They want to see the platform orchestrator. They’re building platforms. And some are building them pretty damn well.
I think most would agree at this point that if platform engineering is not in your budgets for 2024 (or at the very least in your roadmap to look at), you are falling behind.
Quick bites

Articles that blew us away:
From the community:
- How to move from a DevOps team to a Platform Team
- What is the first thing that comes into your mind is when you hear the phrase, "Improve Developer Productivity"?